I wanted R & F to work for my skin. I wanted to have smooth, beautiful, wrinkle free skin; I wanted to look like the last several years of no sleep, high stress, and lack of self-care never happened. I was so excited about the super-hyped products, and here’s what happened: some products were great, some were good, some were bad, and some were ugly.
The Great: Lash Boost
This one is my favorite of all of the products. I did notice a difference in just the 5 weeks that I had the products- and they recommend 8-12 weeks of use to see peak results.
Lash boost was easy to apply, didn’t burn, and I didn’t notice any of the ill effects some have felt (eyelid discoloration, sensitivity/burning/itching). I only used it every other day or every third day, because I knew I would probably be very sensitive to it. It does have lash conditioners in it, too, like biotin.
However, it is expensive (all of the products with R & F are expensive, in my opinion). The active ingredient is somewhat hidden; it has a prostaglandin, like Latisse (Bimatoprost- Rx only). The company has come under fire for not openly disclosing this active ingredient, and a some do experience a sensitivity reaction.
The Good: Lip Renewing Serum
This one is another favorite! It comes in a silver capsule; you snip the end off of the capsule and it layers shea butter, peptides, and vitamin E on your lips. A major upgrade from the Vaseline I was using prior (though I believe Vaseline has its beauty uses!)
The Bad: Soothe Regimen
I knew my skin was sensitive. I wanted to use all of the anti-aging products, but I knew I should start gentle. These products I used throughout my 5 week trial, and hoped they would calm my skin, but I had an allergic reaction to Soothe. I had only been using Soothe, no other products, at the time of the pictures, and I broke out in a fine itchy hivey-like rash on my face, especially along the jaw line.
The Ugly: The Retinols
Now, many people do really well with Retinols. They work well for fine wrinkles, but can cause sensitivity reactions such as photosensitivity, redness, dryness of skin. I had a severe reaction to the products containing retinol. I had burning and peeling of my face and skin around my eyes, and though I tried to hide it with make up, but because my skin was peeling, the make up couldn’t stick to my skin and it culminated in a very unsatisfactory result. My skin hurt and was tight, like I’d had a bad sunburn. My eyes were so red and painful, I had to invest in some anti-allergy eye drops and put hydrocortisone on my face. I unfortunately didn’t take many pictures, but you can see how puffy and tired I look (even with make up), still even a week after stopping all of the R & F products:
Because of the severe allergic reactions to most of the products I’d tried, I decided I couldn’t sell the products, let alone use them.
Overall Rating: C-, for price and inadequate labelling for possible sensitivity reactions. I expected more from a pair of physicians, who understand this about the active ingredients in their products.