
I Forgot!

Ha!  I know I’ve written lately a couple of times about how I’ve “lost my mind.”  Interestingly enough, The New York Times ran an article about forgetfulness, the different types, what it might represent, and some thoughts on how to stave it off.  Here’s the article on Forgetfulness.


I am the most relaxed I’ve been in months, maybe years.  I’m on Neuroradiology this month, and I don’t have to round on patients early in the morning, I don’t have to keep a thousand tiny details of each patient in my head simultaneously, I don’t have to take even half as much call, and …

Tranquility…soon! Read More »

Gee Whiz!

As a follow up to my last post, I would like to just make a retraction.  Ibuprofen (as I found out the very very hard way) is toxic to dogs.  Little Miss Sassy was up puking for hours and hours that night- it was absolutely awful. We learned that evening, dogs don’t metabolize ibuprofen the …

Gee Whiz! Read More »

Woof!! What a day!

My poor Sassy girl’s foot is broken!! 🙁 She is so little (she’s only 4 pounds!), and she gets underfoot so often that Mr. Handsome nicknamed her “Sassy Underfoot.”  Yesterday, she got under Chris’ foot, and her tiny itty bitty baby foot bone snapped!  She actually walked on it fine last night, but this morning, …

Woof!! What a day! Read More »

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